
Things to Consider When Choosing a Commercial Refrigerator

Things to Consider When Choosing a Commercial Refrigerator

When we need something, we must question why and which qualities it should have to meet our needs. There are many details to consider after we decide why we need this object. The qualities we look for differ depending on why we need the object. Like everything else, there are many things to consider when choosing a commercial refrigerator model. Selecting a commercial cooler is a challenging thing to do. However, our article will be your guide when choosing a commercial refrigerator.

Understanding the Needs of Your Business

One of the things to consider when choosing a commercial refrigerator is the type of business you have. If you own a business like a restaurant, café, or sandwich shop, the qualities you look for differ accordingly. You might not have much space to place the commercial freezer or need one with high capacity. Depending on these details, the commercial freezer, cooler, or refrigerator you need and should look for differs. Due to the differences in needs, the things you must look for also change. There are at least six things to consider when choosing a commercial refrigerator.

11 Things to Consider When Choosing a Commercial Refrigerator

Different food and beverage establishments require different commercial coolers, freezers, or refrigerators. If you run a commercial kitchen that prepares a lot of food, you’ll probably need many refrigerators for various storage and supply needs. A modest commercial beverage refrigerator, display, or commercial cooler may be all that is required for smaller eateries. Due to these differences in needs, there are at least six things to consider when choosing a commercial refrigerator.

1. Why Do You Need One?

This goes hand-in-hand with the first thing to consider when choosing a commercial cooler, refrigerator, or freezer. Why you need a commercial freezer, cooler, or refrigerator is inherently connected to your business type. A bar will require a different type of commercial refrigerator from a café. A commercial refrigerator is expected to store products, beverages, and cold foods, but the setting creates a big difference in what will be stored in the commercial refrigerator.

If a business serves alcoholic beverages, it will need a commercial refrigerator suited for that need. Those differences in demands of different companies are a must to consider before choosing a commercial refrigerator, as the wrong one can cause you to save money and time.

2. Capacity

The first thing to consider when choosing a commercial refrigerator is its capacity. The fridge must meet the needs of your store or kitchen and have the right capacity. You’ll need enough space to store the products you’ll need for your busiest service period—any less, and you risk being unable to meet demand and having an inefficient refrigerator with higher operating expenses.

3. Design and Organizational Features

You’ll consider using the freezer once you decide on a size. For example, do you require built-in freezers, or is it preferable to have self-contained ones? This may be the case if you have limited space in your kitchen while choosing a commercial refrigerator. Is it better to go with a transparent glass door? It’s possible; you’ll be able to examine what supplies and goods you have on hand swiftly.

4. Defrosting Automatically

Another important detail to consider when choosing a commercial refrigerator is automatic defrosting. A cooler must have an automatic defrost system. A buildup of ice in your commercial freezer, cooler, or refrigerator can cause a lack of performance and efficiency and shorten the refrigerator’s lifespan.

A system automatically removing the ice will save you much time, which is your most precious asset. You won’t have to take all your stock to coolers, so you can switch off the refrigerator to melt any ice buildup. You can program the defroster to kick in or keep it running continuously.

5. Insulation and Energy Efficiency

When choosing a commercial refrigerator, an energy-efficient model will save you money in the long run by lowering your electricity bills. If your refrigerator is used for a long time, it may be worth spending more on an energy-efficient model since the low operating costs will lower the lifetime cost.

The quality of your refrigerator’s insulation is critical to its efficiency. The best option is polyurethane foam. It has good insulating capabilities because of its great compression strength and low heat conductivity. This means your food and drinks will keep cooler for longer while consuming less electricity in your refrigerator.

6. Setting

Another important factor to consider when choosing a commercial refrigerator is where you will use it. Where you will use your commercial freezer, cooler, or refrigerator is important to understanding which refrigerator you should buy. Greencooler has the perfect refrigerators for your business’s needs.

For instance, if you have a small space to place the commercial freezer, you can look for GC200AC. If you need an even smaller one, you can get the 152 DCM with a slight difference. On the contrary, if you have a big supermarket and need a commercial refrigerator for the products, you can get the 1600 HD TD. Or if you need a smaller one for a smaller place and fewer products, you can get 180 EWOC. You can find them on Greencooler’s official website.

7. Price 

Selecting a reputable commercial freezer brand ensures consistent quality when choosing a commercial refrigerator. It’s critical to pick a brand that balances quality and price well. It is also necessary to understand your budget. Green Cooler focuses on providing the highest-quality devices at lower costs, so know your needs and budget.

8. How Should It be Equipped?

This detail is important since the electric and mechanical equipment and additions of a refrigerator have to fit the business’s needs. Many commercial coolers work similarly, and additions make the commercial refrigerator, cooler, or freezer meet the company’s needs.

For instance, in a supermarket, LED lighting may be added to vertical and horizontal refrigerators to make it easier for customers to see what is inside the commercial refrigerator. These additions may seem small and insignificant, but they can greatly impact or meet a reasonable business need when choosing a commercial refrigerator.

9. Business Type

The first question is about your business type when choosing a commercial refrigerator. Each business requires a different another in many aspects, and this can also be the case for commercial coolers, refrigerators, or freezers. For instance, a supermarket will need a vertical commercial cooler, refrigerator, or freezer to store frozen products, ice creams, or beverages. In contrast, a restaurant will need a walk-in refrigerator, especially for storing meat or other foods. Due to these differences in the expectations from a commercial refrigerator cooler or freezer, there are many types that businesses can choose from according to their needs.

10. Aluminum Lids in Refrigerators

Aluminum is preferred for many reasons when choosing a commercial refrigerator. The aluminum profile materials prevent overheating and enable the refrigerator to operate safely. The aluminum cover of the commercial refrigerator is resistant to external factors and heat. Durability is one of the important factors for all devices. Aluminum lid is widely used due to its durability. Aluminum covers, suitable for use in every area where there is heat, start to work with the cooler’s operation. In this way, as long as the refrigerator works, the aluminum cover also does its job and supports full performance efficiency. Another factor in the effectiveness of aluminum lids for commercial refrigerators is conductivity. Refrigerators generate heat that needs to be absorbed and removed. This is where the aluminum lid comes into play for efficient performance because aluminum conductivity prevents heat accumulation. An aluminum cover is one of the best ways to distribute heat.

11. Size

The refrigerator size makes a big difference for many businesses due to many reasons. The main reasons are the limited space for small businesses and the number of products stored in the commercial freezer. Limited space prevents businesses from purchasing bigger refrigerators, making the smaller ones the only option when choosing a commercial refrigerator size. The amount of products to be stored also determines the necessary refrigerator size.

The number of doors can also determine the commercial cooler size. There are different places and businesses where they can be used. Manufacturers like Greencooler aim to provide and develop different sizes and various types of commercial refrigerators, depending on the needs and requests of businesses such as:

  1. Single-Doored Small Commercial Refrigerators
  2. Two-Doored Average-Sized Commercial Refrigerators
  3. Three-Doored Big Commercial Refrigerators

1. Single-Doored Small Commercial Refrigerators 

Single-doored commercial coolers are considered small because they can fit in smaller spaces or spare spaces where a slightly bigger or two-doored commercial freezer cannot. When choosing a commercial refrigerator, many businesses with limited space or no space to store their products tend to choose single-doored ones as they meet their needs.

Refrigerator size is important for small businesses with smaller spaces than bigger firms, which tend to have more space to place their freezers. Bigger enterprises also need more space to store their products as they provide more services or product types than smaller businesses. Due to this, when choosing a commercial refrigerator, smaller companies with limited space and product range choose single-doored freezers. One example of these commercial coolers from Greencooler is the 180 EWOC and 295 WOC products.

2. Two-Doored Average-Sized Commercial Refrigerators 

Another mostly-used refrigerator size is the average size, which can also be known as two-doored commercial freezers. Many businesses with a wide range of products to sell or serve need refrigerators bigger than single-doored commercial freezers as they need more space.

Two-door freezers are perfect for growing businesses when choosing a commercial refrigerator. One reason is that growing companies need more space than small or newly emerging businesses. Still, they only need a little space compared to a big business with many big coolers and a wide range of products and services. One example of refrigerator size in Greencooler could be products named 1600 WOC HD DD and 1500 WOC ST DD.

3. Three-Doored Big Commercial Refrigerators 

Refrigerator size plays a big role for big businesses as it does for small and growing businesses. When choosing a commercial refrigerator, big companies choose three-doored freezers. Big businesses require bigger refrigerators as they provide more services and products to a wide range of customers. They need a bigger one to meet those needs than other businesses.

Refrigerator size is of exceptional importance to big businesses as some of their survival can depend on it, especially during rush hours. For instance, big restaurants with menus that include many dishes require lots of space to store all those ingredients, and for ingredients that have to be stored in a cold environment, the refrigerator size is crucial. Also, big supermarkets, which have hundreds of customers daily, sell a wide range of products. Three-door options can be a good alternative to two-door ones if more space is needed when choosing a commercial refrigerator. One example of refrigerator size in Greencooler could be 1500 WOC H TD and 1600 H TD products.

Greencooler Commercial Refrigerators Comparison Table

Product/Details Number of Doors Height x Width x Depth (mm) Business Type
180 EWOC 1 1773x1000x829,5 Small or Emerging Businesses
295 WOC 1 1773x1000x829,5 Small or Emerging Businesses
1600 WOC HD DD 2 1773x1000x829,5 Growing Businesses
1500 WOC ST DD 2 1773x1000x829,5 Growing Businesses
1500 WOC H TD 3 1773x1000x829,5 Big Businesses
1600 H TD 3 1773x1000x829,5 Big Businesses


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